Last week I wrote about one of my friends who came over to study with me during exams and ended up tormenting Kitten (he liked it). As promised, this week's post is about my study sessions with Kitten's best friend, Elena.
Kitten and Elena go wayyyyy back. All the way back to this past June (and for a cat, that's like, pretty far back). Elena came to cat-sit Kitten while I was away over the summer (not to be confused with my other cat-sitter, Lindsey, who blogged about her Kitten-sitting experiences on her own blog: Happy or Hungry), and the two of them had a totally fab time and Kitten totally did not try to molest Elena or anything.
Suffice it to say, Kitten is very close with Elena.
Maybe too close.
Yes, it is true that Kitten makes it a personal goal to hump every visitor I have.
But he always make an extra special effort with Elena.
It's okay, Elena likes it.
In addition to being a phenomenal study-buddy for me and sexual outlet for Kitten, Elena also took it upon herself to get some Kitten grooming in during one of our study sessions. I believe she said, and I quote, "Oh my god! Look at his eyes! They are disgusting!!! That is so gross! Why don't you wipe his eyes!?!?! There is crust EVERYWHERE!!! OH GOD!!!" To which I replied, "Here's a tissue, knock yourself out."
Yes, Kitten's eyes get really goopey. Cat eye crust is just one of the many joys that come hand in hand with owning a designer pet. It's not that I don't ever wipe Kitten's eyes, it's just that they need to be wiped ALL THE TIME. It's ridiculous, like use your paws or something to do it yourself. Admittedly, sometimes the eye goop does get pretty bad. But I always notice when it gets bad, because Kitten starts to wink at me.
Despite Elena's kindness, Kitten was still a pretty big jerk, eating our food and lying right in the way of things.
What came next, I have a hard time defining. Elena called it "play", whereas I would classify it as "intent to harm". Elena started to "play" with Kitten and seemed to be under the impression that he was "having fun". I'm pretty sure he just wanted her to stop and would have chewed her hand off to make that happen. But you can take a look at decide for yourself.
It started like this:
And progressed to this:
Here are the videos. I think Kitten's eyes say it all.

I should say, Elena wasn't my only friend to visit during exams. The lovely Kasia also joined us. This was Kasia's first time meeting Kitten. She warned me before hand that she was NOT a fan a cats.
When she first got to my apartment, she stopped at the door to take her boots off. Unbeknownst to her, Kitten was coyly watching her from around the corner. She was none too impressed to look up to see some pervy cat watching her.
The first day she spent at my place, she did not warm up to Kitten. He was creepy, she wasn't into it. It probably didn't help his cause that he would spend long periods of time by her feet just staring at her, probably thinking, "Can you please move into a better position so that I can hump you?"
However, the second day she came, Kitten somehow turned Kasia into, maybe not a Kitten-lover, but at least a Kitten-tolerator. Ultimately, a victory.
However, the second day she came, Kitten somehow turned Kasia into, maybe not a Kitten-lover, but at least a Kitten-tolerator. Ultimately, a victory.
In retrospect, I probably could have summed up this entire post in a few words:
Kitten still pervy.
Elena really, really loves him (and no one knows why).
Kasia doesn't, like, totally hate him anymore.
Then Kitten turned into an owl:
The End.